Denver Municipal Code Chapter 38 Article III, Div. 3


Sec. 38-71. – Damaging, defacing or destruction of private property.

Sec. 38-72. – Trespassing upon gardens or crops.

Sec. 38-73. – Trespassing with large animals.

Secs. 38-74—38-85. – Reserved.
Sec. 38-71. – Damaging, defacing or destruction of private property.


It shall be unlawful for any person knowingly to damage, deface, destroy or injure the real or personal property of one (1) or more other persons in the course of a single episode where the aggregate damage to the real or personal property is less than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00).


Deface as used in subsection (a) shall include, but not be limited to, the writing, painting, inscribing, drawing, scratching or scribbling upon any wall or surface owned, operated or maintained by any person, unless there is written permission for said writing, painting, inscribing, drawing, scratching or scribbling.

(Code 1950, § 852.1; Ord. No. 389-85, 7-15-85; Ord. No. 463-92, § 1, 7-13-92; Ord. No. 951-92, § 1, 12-14-92; Ord. No. 580-94, § 2, 7-25-94; Ord. No. 448-07, § 6, 8-20-07; Ord. No. 677-07, § 3, 11-19-07)

Sec. 38-72. – Trespassing upon gardens or crops.


It shall be unlawful for any person, except an authorized police officer, member of the police department or other person duly empowered with police authority, while acting lawfully in the performance of their duties, to trespass upon any garden or field of growing crops.


It shall be unlawful for any person to permit any animal or fowl, owned or under the custody of such person, to trespass upon any garden or field of growing crops.

(Code 1950, § 852.2)

Cross reference— Trespass at Denver Mile High Stadium, § 38-86.5; trespass generally, § 38-115.

Sec. 38-73. – Trespassing with large animals.

It shall be unlawful for any person to ride, drive or lead any horse or other large animal upon or over any lawn, shrubs, garden or field of growing crops.

(Code 1950, § 852.3)

Cross reference— Animals and fowl generally, Ch. 8; trespass at Denver Mile High Stadium, § 38-86.5; trespass generally, § 38-115.

Secs. 38-74—38-85. – Reserved.

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